Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Dinner party with Pecel and Batik

On 13th of October 2009 Indonesian student that study at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyabury (RMUTT) have assignment from the teacher that have been guidance during Indonesian student study in Thailand. This assignment is one of many our activity that already done before. The theme of this activity is about Indonesia food and our traditional clothes. That’s why I give the title Dinner party with batik and Pecel.

The aim of this activity such as to introduce our culture to our teacher and introduce the new teacher that will take care the next Indonesia student that will come this month. The name of our teacher is Ajarn Maliyya and Ajarn Panapon (Ajarn is Thai language with the meaning is Teacher). Ajarn Panapon also cooks the Thai food in the shop food in front of our apartment and then we can change and eat together between Thai food and Indonesian food.

Before I explain about pecel moreover I want to explain here about batik. Batik is the traditional clothes that almost used by Indonesian citizen that living in the overseas. Batik is cloth which traditionally uses a manual wax resist dyeing technique. Recently day UNESCO have been authenticate batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on October 2, 2009.

Anyway, now we will run to the main idea of this writing. The student of Faculty of agricultural RMUTT chooses to cook the food about pecel because in Indonesia especially in east java, this food very popular, almost of our community in Indonesia like to this food, and also me and my friend here, because I think this food very delicious and good for our healthy.

To make this food not difficult, we only need many cooking properties like electric frying pan, plate, knife, spoon, glass and so on and many raw material that we need to make it. The material of this food is peanut as main material that must fry before gridding processing. During gridding we need to add many cooking spices to make the taste more delicious.

Usually Indonesia people will eat pecel with other menu of food, like Tempe that have been fry, Peyek (the flour mix with peanut or small fish then fry). They will not like to eat pecel without them. Like we know that Tempe also the traditional fermented food come from Indonesia that make from soybean.